General P.O. Box 224,
(Jabal Amman, Third Circle, next to the Royal Hotel)
Amman 11118
Tel: +962 6 460 33 60
Fax: +962 6 461 44 48
Contact Person :
Mr. Ihab Amarin, Assistant Secretary
Tender Notice Type:
Tender Notice
Tender Notice No:
Not Provided
Tenders are ub for Construction of petra gateway project (new visitor center (vc)) including construction of an open air amphitheatre, a reception, etc.
Construction of an open air amphitheatre that function as the entry point to the new Visitor Centre, a reception, ticketing and visitors service areas, an internal open court, landscaped to display the native and historical plants, an administration wing that accommodates the Visitor Center management staff, an underground passage that leads to the Park Gate. The construction period is 24 months with implementation period starting in scheduled for the summer of 2009.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of JD100, 000, and be delivered to the address below by noon (12:00AM) on September 29, 2009. They will be opened immediately thereafter, in the presence of bidders representatives, who choose to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected. is one of the largest
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